Millions of Americans are signing up for web based tv services, and the trend is just getting started! Web TV will probably be around for a long time since it has a whole bunch of advantages that cable and satellite just can’t compete with:
Video entertainment on demand
Is your favorite show on at the same time as the kids’ recital, or while you’re still at work pulling in over time hours? Heck, maybe there’s just two shows on at the same time and you wish you didn’t have to choose…
Well you don’t. Video on demand means that you can watch what you want, when it is convenient for you. While some cable and satellite providers offer these services too, none of them have the massive content selection available from Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. With web powered TV, you can access tens of thousands of complete TV series and full-length films any time of day or night.
Commercial-free content
Commercials are left over from when TV stations broadcast for free, so why are we still watching them after paying premium bucks to the cable and satellite companies? One answer could be so they fit in to the arbitrary time slots they were designed for when they were first broadcast on network TV, but the real truth is we’ve come to accept it and that makes more money for the networks.
Well, let me tell ya something: Once you’ve got web tv it won’t take long before you get used to not having commercials and you start to wonder why you ever put up with them in the first place.
TV series in uninterrupted order
One of the biggest problems with watching a serious show on TV is that if you miss a single episode you can be completely thrown off track. There’s nothing worse than missing a week and suddenly wondering how your favorite character got killed off! Another great thing about web tv is that you always control the order of episodes and so there’s no excuse to miss a thing.
And perhaps best of all…
Web TV is competitively priced!
With a typical cable plan costing at least $50 for just the TV content, the cost of web tv is actually quite cheap in comparison. While you might need to spend a little bit up front for your web tv converter box(es), you will start to pay them back in no time since Netflix & Hulu have unlimited monthly packages for under ten bucks a month. And if you’ve got a Nintendo Wii or some of the newer Bluray players, you might just have a few compatible boxes in the house already!
As far as I’m concerned, web TV is the next big thing and I only wish I had gotten involved a whole lot sooner. As new content providers and connection devices become available, we’ll try to keep up with the latest news and reviews, so be sure to bookmark this site and get ready for the next evolution in television entertainment!
April 12, 2011
I’ve just got my Netflix account set up, and this is amazing.. I was skeptical at first because it just sounded too good to be true (when compared to my old cable plan) but I am glad I got everything set up!